Delta-Sleep Inducing Peptides (DSIP) and Analogs
Structural models of the Delta-Sleep Inducing Peptide (DSIP) and Analogs
Delta-Sleep Inducing Peptide (DSIP)
Chemical structure of DSIP
Energy minimized Van-der-Waals model of DSIP using a simple force field modeling approach.
(Asn5)-Delta-Sleep Inducing Peptide
((Asn5)-Delta-Sleep Inducing Peptide (rabbit); (Asn5)-DSIP (rabbit))

Chemical structure of (Asn5)-DSIP

Energy minimized Van-der-Waals model of (Asn5)-DSIP using a simple force field modeling approach.
(β-Asp5)-Delta-Sleep Inducing Peptide

(β-Asp5)-DSIP: Energy minimized Van-der-Waals model using a simple force field modeling approach.
This peptide analog is a good substrate for protein L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase, an enzyme found in the brain which is involved in the repair of age-damaged proteins containing atypical iosaspartyl peptide bonds.
Porcine Delta-Sleep-Inducing Peptide Immunoreactive Peptide (pDIP)
The solution structure for this peptide was determined by Seidel et al. in 1997.

pDIP: Representation of the three-dimensional model of pDIP (Seidel et al 1997).
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