Bio-Synthesis provides high quality 5' modified triphosphate DNA and RNA synthesis using a robust, reproducible, and scalable methods. These oligonucleotide triphosphates have been investigated as diagnostic and therapeutic agents for many degenerative disorders, including malignant tumors, viral infections, and cardiovascular diseases. Thus, they have received formidable attention is some areas such as:
- Triphosphate modified RNA, as antivirus agent by stimulate the immunoreceptor RIG-I and protect mice from influenza in vivo.
- RNA triphosphates are used in the synthesis of long RNA oligos using RNA ligation.
- RNA oligos with a triphosphate group at the 5' end induce anti-viral immunity via TLR-independent pathways.
- 5' triphosphate RNA are important in the enzymatic synthesis of m7G-5'-capped RNAs. This process protects the mRNA and is important for translation.
- Triphosphate modified DNA can be used as a substrate for the preparation of synthetic genes.
Bio-Synthesis's services give you the best guarantee in DNA or RNA triphosphate modification by implementing streamline synthesis platform and expertise in nucleic acid chemistries. Each oligo is meticulously monitored at each manufacturing cycles under strigent standard operation procedure (SOP). The final product is identified by mass spectrum and purity is analyzed by electrophoresis and/or additional QC methods. As always, quality is guaranteed!
Reference: Nature Medicine 14, 1256 - 1263 (2008)