Bio-Synthesis intercalator bases can be incorporate at any position of an oligonucleotide . Every oligo synthesized is strictly controlled for quality by using either MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) analysis. Final yields are determined using UV absorbance at OD260 In addition, we perform QC methods tailored to specific modifications, such as OD ratio measurement where appropriate.

Quality Control: Analytical HPLC, Gel eletrophoresis, and MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry
Delivery times: 5-7 Working days
Packaging: Dried
Shipping conditions: Room temperature
Storage conditions: -20 oC to -70 oC
Oligonucleotides are stable in solution at 4 oC for up to 2 weeks. Properly reconstituted material stored at -20 oC should be stable for at least 6 months. Dried DNA (when kept at -20 oC) in a nuclease-free environment should be stable for years.
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