Peptide Purity Levels and Applications
Bio-Synthesis provide several different purity levels to help our client to make right choice for their research applications.
A >75% pure peptide is usually sufficient for generating or testing antibodies. A mixture of closely related peptides is usually able to induced an immune response that will provide the required antibody. However, the presence of impurities which inherit during organic synthesis process can be the source of adverse side effects like inflammatory or even toxic effects during the antibody production procedure. Therefore, our immunograde peptides always undergo a special treatment for complete extraction of organic impurities by undergo our stand purification process.
For enzymology or biological activity studies, a peptide with >85% or 95% is usually required. Thess levels of peptides must go through quality control by reversed phase HPLC and MALDI-TOP mass spec analysis, some times, amino acid analysis, even sequencing is also available.
What kind of impurities found in Crude-Desalted Peptides?
A >75% pure peptide is usually sufficient for generating or testing antibodies. A mixture of closely related peptides is usually able to induced an immune response that will provide the required antibody. However, the presence of impurities which inherit during organic synthesis process can be the source of adverse side effects like inflammatory or even toxic effects during the antibody production procedure. Therefore, our immunograde peptides always undergo a special treatment for complete extraction of organic impurities by undergo our stand purification process.
For enzymology or biological activity studies, a peptide with >85% or 95% is usually required. Thess levels of peptides must go through quality control by reversed phase HPLC and MALDI-TOP mass spec analysis, some times, amino acid analysis, even sequencing is also available.
What kind of impurities found in Crude-Desalted Peptides?
What kind of impurities found in Crude-Desalted Peptides?
What kind of impurities found in Crude-Desalted Peptides?
These peptides are recommend for fist pass/fail screening applications where large numbers of peptides must be tested. Once the initial good screening have been identified, a second screening with more highly purified peptide is recommended. The applications will be:
>75% Pure Immunograde
The applications use in our >75% pure peptide will be:
The applications use in our >75% pure peptide will be:
>85% Biochemistry grade
The applications recommended to be used in >85% pure peptide will be:
The applications recommended to be used in >85% pure peptide will be:
90% to >95% Purity