Version History: Peptide Design Library


1. PL 3.0 (Latest)
2. PL 2.2 (Beta)
3. PL 1.0 (Beta)

PL 3.0 (Latest)

  • New: HTML documentation of all the formulae and constant input values used in the tool
  • New: Version history of the tool
  • Improved: Minimum sequence length required for isoelectric point calculation was modified from 10 residues to any length
  • Improved: The old blurry images were replaced with better pixel images for improving clarity
  • Fixed: The disappearance of the input sequence when the user traverses to another library of the application was fixed
  • Fixed: The inability to export results to excel for overlapping library was fixed

PL 2.2 (Beta)

  • New: T-cell truncated library was added to the tool
  • New: 3-positional and multi positional library options were added to Positional library
  • New: Combinatorial 3-positional scan and multi positional library option were added to Random library
  • New: Formulae to calculate isoelectric point, chemical formula, net charge, charge at pH 7 and amino acid composition for the output peptide sequences were added
  • New: Database search option to fetch the input sequence from protein databases using accession numbers was added
  • New: File upload option to input sequence from either a text file or a word document

PL 1.0 (Beta)

  • 6 various libraries were developed to generate peptide libraries
    • Overlapping library
    • Alanine scanning library
    • Truncation library
    • Positional scanning library
    • Random library
    • Scrambled library
  • Input options to enter the sequence by copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) method was provided
  • The maximum length of the input sequence was set to 1000 residues
  • Show Colors option was provided to represent hydrophobic classification of residues in Overlapping Library, Truncated Library and Scrambled Library
  • Stair Step option to represent the amino acid residue overlap in Overlapping Library was provided
  • Formulae to calculate molecular weight and ratio of hydrophilicity for the output peptide sequences were added
  • Option to export the results to MS excel, MS word and Notepad was provided